Every year, the Open Education Awards for Excellence recognizes outstanding contributions in the Open Education community, recognizing exemplary leaders, distinctive Open Educational Resources, and Open Practices from around the world.
In 2022, we’re announcing the OEAwards shortlist of finalists first. The shortlist celebrates 12 open leaders and 31 open education initiatives and practices across the 14 awards categories.
The shortlist was selected from 89 nominations of open education excellence across 22 countries by the 12 members of the OE Awards 2022 Committee and OEGlobal Board Members.
The finalists (in alphabetical order) are …
People in Open
Leadership Award

Delmar Larsen
University of California at Davis, United States
Founder and director of the LibreTexts platform, Delmar Larsen is a visionary who has successfully created and scaled up an OER platform that is making an enormous global contribution.

Ebba Ossiannilsson
Swedish Association for Open, Flexible and Distance Education, Sweden
Professor Dr. Ebba Ossiannilsson is a recognized national and international researcher, expert and consultant, especially in the field of quality in open, flexible and distance learning (OFDL).

Robert Schuwer
Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Robert Schuwer has been one of the key players behind the official recognition of the strategic importance of OER for Dutch education, but he has also made important contributions internationally.
Educator Award

Saifa Haque
East West University, Bangladesh
Saifa Haque is a strong open education advocate working on a project to select, evaluate and design online activities using OER to support language skills of primary and secondary students in Bangladesh.

Sushumnarao Tadinada
Ethiraj College for Women, India
Sushumnarao Tadinada is a Learning Management System advisor in the Ethiraj College for Women, passionate towards developing OER and disseminating the importance and benefits of open education.

Giovanni Zimotti
The University of Iowa, United States
Prof. Giovanni Zimotti directs the Spanish Basic Program at the University of Iowa and is committed to stop using traditional commercial textbooks and fully switch to OER textbooks.
Emerging Leader Award

Luis Clemente Jiménez Botello
Universidad Anáhuac México, Mexico
Luis Clemente Jiménez Botello leads two community based open education initiatives in Latin America. He strives to combine efforts of different people, disciplines and countries to amplify their impact globally.

Sarah Kresh
CUNY School of Professional Studies, United States
Sarah Kresh is an Instructional Design Manager at CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) and provides outstanding work in faculty development, content creation, and program administration.

Andrea Scott
Salt Lake Community College, United States
Andrea Scott is an exemplary young leader in the field of OER and open pedagogy. She takes a faculty-led approach to develop OER initiative —she listens to faculty and facilitates what they want to do.
Support Specialist Award

Beatriz Canales
San Antonio College, United States
Beatrice Canales works with bilingual students, marketable skills and faculty adoption to OER. She has a strong affinity to the open community at her college, college district, state, national and international areas.

Ewan McAndrew
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Ewan McAndrew is a permanent Wikimedian in Residence working alongside learning technologists, researchers and policy makers to support staff and students to develop the skills needed to contribute to Wikipedia.

Ellie Svoboda
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, United States
Ellie Svoboda is an early career academic librarian that has quickly become an expert and advocate for OER. She gives presentations at local and national library conferences about her OER advocacy.
What We Share
Best OER

Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology
California State University Chico, United States
A book planned, co-edited, and published by four full-time anthropology faculty at various colleges around the nation who met through Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges (SACC).

Liberated Learners
Trent University, Canada
Co-designed and co-created by students, faculty, and staff, Liberated Learners is an open resource collaborative project that seeks to prepare post-secondary students to thrive in a digital realm.

Moo MOOC: Milking your OER
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
A set of 33 openly-licenced instructional videos, made by the University of Edinburgh, about avoiding mastitis in smallholder dairy cows available on YouTube (and on the University’s in-house Media Hopper video platform).

Open RN Nursing Mental Health and Community Concepts
Chippewa Valley Technical College, United States
The fifth book in the Open RN Nursing OER textbook series, created in collaboration with several nursing faculty and mental health professionals with a focus on promoting mental wellness and resiliency for all individuals.

Open RN Nursing Management and Professional Concepts
Chippewa Valley Technical College, United States
The fourth book in the Open RN Nursing OER textbook series, developed specifically for prelicensure nursing students preparing to graduate and take the NCLEX-RN to obtain their nursing license.

Salón de clase: Intermediate Spanish for Education Professionals
Binghamton University – SUNY, United States
A comprehensive intermediate Spanish open access textbook with reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice for students who have an interest and/or intend to pursue a career in the field of Education.

School for All: promoting an anti-racist education
Fundação Telefônica Vivo, Brazil
A digital publication addressing the need for anti-racist education and highlighting the teacher’s role to ensure the effectiveness of the Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and Culture Law in Brazil.

Strategic Communication to Counter Security Threats in the Disinformation Era
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
An interdisciplinary course, framed under the CRESCEnt project addresses the challenge of building awareness and developing resilience to disinformation, fake news, and hostile information influencing campaigns.
Open Curation / Repository

Digital Self-Learning Initiatives
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
An aggregated collection of MOOCs recommended by students and faculty of the Taipei Medical University. Students may search and enroll to any of the open courses and in some cases get credits towards their degree.

University of California-Davis/LibreTexts, United States
A powerful OER repository with a centralized harvesting and curation of OER materials. Resources are formated to facilitate remixing and placed on digital bookshelves allowing faculty to make customization of content.

The French Digital University
French Digital University, France
The French Digital University (l’Université Numérique) provides teachers and students with OER for teaching in a wide variety of topics, facilitating finding, using, and adapting the resources.

open courseware
King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
One of the first YouTube educational channels in Saudi Arabia, established in 2012 with the purpose of delivering the same quality of open courses throughout their widespread 27 institutional branches.

Repositorio de Recursos Educativos Abiertos
Ceibal, Uruguay
Repositorio enmarcado en Ceibal (Uruguay); se presenta como un espacio de encuentro de la comunidad educativa de docentes y estudiantes para crear y compartir recursos bajo la cultura de lo abierto.
Open Reuse / Remix / Adaptation

An ENOEL Toolkit – Benefits of OE for everyone to reuse
SPARC Europe, Italy
A 2nd version of the toolkit translated by volunteer librarians to 15 languages including open templates meant to be reusable, easily adaptable and supported by common software used by librarians.

Open eTextbooks for Access to Music Education
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
A collaboration to co-create an open etextbook by remixing open content originally created for the Fundamentals of Music Theory Coursera MOOC and redeveloped for an on campus blended learning course.

Open Technical Communication
Kennesaw State University, United States
Open TC has evolved over the years into a professionally designed, accessible, and interactive open textbook that has been adopted by faculty all over the United States and in several other countries.
Open Infrastructure

UC Davis, United States
An extensive curated library of freely available content that fosters more equitable access to high-quality resources and technologies for students and enables instructors to easily create customized resources that help drive learning gains.

Open Educational Resources American Public University System
American Public University System, United States
An initiative proposed by campus leadership to enhance access to educational resources for students, not only significantly reducing their costs but also increasing the speed of accessing these educational materials.

Open Assessment Technologies, Luxembourg
TAO is the only open source, QTI-native item authoring, item banking, and test assembly system available in the EdTech industry, recognized as the leading global assessment platform.
How We Share
Open Collaboration

European Network of Open Education Librarians
SPARC Europe, Italy
An extensive curated library of freely available content that fosters more equitable access to high-quality resources and technologies for students and enables instructors to easily create customized resources that help drive learning gains.

The ICDE OER Advocacy Committee
Swedish Association of Distance Education, Sweden
A global, multicultural, and multilinguistic collaborative committee established with the objective to increase global recognition of OER and to provide policy support for the uptake, use and reuse of OER.

Liberated Learners
Trent University, Canada
A collaborative inter-institutional project, co-designed by students, faculty, and staff at seven post-secondary institutions in Ontario with the purpose of preparing students to thrive while entering higher education.
Open Innovation

Innovative Sustainable Forest Management Education in the Asia-Pacific Region
Asia Forest Research Centre, UBC Faculty of Forestry, Canada
A collaborative effort to implement graduate-level certificates with open online courses providing flexible, equitable, accessible, and effective forestry education using innovative open pedagogical ideas.

Textbook Transformation Project
Chaffey College, United States
A faculty-led and faculty-inspired institutional commitment to expand Zero and Low-Cost textbook options, courses, and GE pathways that advocate for the success, retention, and generational achievement of students.
Open Pedagogy

Evaluating OER for Social Justice
Lehman College, CUNY, United States
Professor Jennifer Van Allen led a seminar that engaged students on the topic of OER and Social Justice. Students then developed an openly licensed project that included adapting rubrics for evaluating OER.

The Open Pedagogy Project Roadmap
Pennsylvania State University, United States
A roadmap that guides faculty through the process of planning, implementing, sustaining, and sharing their own open pedagogy projects.

TeachOER, an online repository of OER resources and openly-licensed teaching materials
Baruch College-CUNY, United States
TeachOER, an online guide to OER purveyors and open teaching materials. Its main purpose is to catalog commonly used OERs for a variety of disciplines and contribute to the solution for better discoverability.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Ewan McAndrew, Wikimedian in Residence: Wikimedia and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Ewan relentlessly pursues creative opportunities to redress the skewed imbalance of content and topics in Wikipedia and champions every opportunity to involve more women and diverse groups in being part of the editing community.

OpenLearn’s Race and Ethnicity Hub
The Open University, United Kingdom
A collection of resources that explore, both historic and contemporary, ideas of race, racism and ethnicity across the core faculty areas within The Open University helping understand its impact in today’s decisions and interactions.

Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom – Bolivia 2021-2022
Wikimedistas de Bolivia, Bolivia
A multinational (Bolivia, Morocco and Philippines) collaborative effort to design, implement, and evaluate a program that helps teachers incorporate Wikipedia as a pedagogical tool for media and information literacy.
Open Resilience

Advocacy work of the Scientific Library to advance Open Education in Ukraine
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Ukraine
A brave network of Ukraninan librarians worked to ensure that most online library services were provided for remote university work and to protect the unique books and digital collections at their universities during these critical times.

University of Calgary, Canada
A platform, set up during lock-down, where educators find out about available software and tools. Now an open hub for exchange, offering insights into the digital classroom and asking questions about the future of education.
Winners will be revealed on the OE Awards website and through our media channels on October 20th at 12:00pm GMT.