2024 Open Education Awards for Excellence

Our Annual Recognition Program

Open Education Awards for Excellence highlights outstanding contributions in the Open Education community, honoring exemplary leaders, distinctive Open Educational Resources, and Open Practices from around the world.

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What’s Happening?
The 2024 Open Education Award for Excellence nomination period wrapped up June 30 received an exciting set of 120 nominations for people and projects from 29 countries. Next they will be sent to our review committee who will identify our semi finalist to be announced August 30. Be inspired by a growing collection of audio stories of impact from previous award winners.

Stories of Impact

Hear more stories from previous awardees.

Listen to all podcast episodes featuring OE Award winners

Learn about the Awards, discuss the process, know more about the categories, and interact with previous winners.

Browse the archive of 229 award winners dating back to 2011. A decade worth of outstanding achievements in the open education community.

Know more about the the conception, design, development, and production of the Open Education Awards for Excellence trophy.