Recognizing All Nominees
This year the Open Awards for Excellence received 173 nominations from people in 38 different countries. To show the breadth of this pool, we are listing here all people and projects that were nominated.

Nominated People and Projects, A to Z
Names in bold were nominated for Individual Awards. Links provided for all project and resource category awards
- “Is this an OER?” Addressing the Complex Relationship between Open and Affordable Course Materials
- 《少年的自我療傷—甘耀明《殺鬼》少年圖書改編》客家語多媒體教材(“Multimedia Open Textbook for Self-Healing of a Teenager: a Picture Book Adapted from Ghost Slayer by Gan Yaoming” )
- A Crowdsourced Guide to Online Learning: Advice for Learners, from Learners
- A People’s History of Structural Racism in Academia: From A(dministration of Justice) to Z(oology)
- A research foundations online course for first-year undergraduate students in the arts and social sciences: A collaborative digital initiative
- Abbey Elder
- Academic Development Open Virtual Hub (ADOVH)
- Academic Writing Guide
- Adrian Stagg
- Advanced Nuclear Education Consortium for the Future Society – Hokkaido University Base
- Alejandro Rodríguez Ascaso
- Amanda Larson
- American Government Audiobook
- Amy Hofer
- Annual Top 10 “Good Reads” in Open Access Journals in Digital Education
- AO In-Hospital
- Apphia Annang
- Aprendizaje de la pronunciación inglesa a través de canciones y textos literarios
- Bea de los Arcos
- BrainLab
- Buds, Branches and Bark: A Guide to Winter Identification in the Pacific Northwest
- Bukola James
- California Consortium for Equitable Change in Hispanic Serving Institutions with Open Educational Resources (CC ECHO)
- Call For Science
- Career and Workforce Readiness by Careerspace
- Catherine Cronin
- Cathy Germano
- CCCOER Facilitator’s Handbook
- Chrissi Nerantzi
- Colectivo de Arte Inclusivo Rompecabezas
- Collaborative Online International Learning Experiences at Tecnologico de Monterrey
- Competendo Digital Toolbox
- convOERter (OER Conversion Tool)
- Dawne Irving-Bell
- Department of Information and Technology Education, Taiwan
- Dilruba Khatun
- Dr. Wilfredo Nicolas
- EduAR
- EducacIA: Un nuevo camino para la educación (a new educational pathway)
- ekatra
- Enhancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) in Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Escolas Conectadas Platform
- Establishing the Open Digital Badges ecosystem
- Esther Reula
- Exercise and Physical Activity in Indigenous Health
- Forensic Toxicology: From Crime Scene to the Virtual Lab
- Foundations to Open Education and OERs repositories
- Français inclusif: An Interactive Textbook
- Futurum Careers’ educational resources
- GO-GN EDI Guidelines: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Open Education with a focus on Africa and Latin America
- GOAL Project: Generating Learning Opportunities in Logistics
- Hamis Juma
- Henry Agnew, Ethan Turner, and Matthew Barkovich
- Hillsborough Community College’s ZTC Initiative
- Huijataanko minua? Huijaanko minä muita?- valetiedon tunnistaminen (in English: Am I being deceived? Am I deceiving others? – Identifying false information)
- HUM 1: Modern Humanities on Manifold
- ICDE OER Advocacy Committee
- ICT-AID competence framework & ICT-AID OER Hub
- Inés Álvarez-icaza Longoria
- Intellectual Gems
- Intensive English Communication Program Curriculum
- Internet Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB)
- Introduction to Criminology Open Textbook and Ancillaries
- Ismail atiba
- James Brunton
- Jane-Frances Agbu
- Jennryn Wetzler
- Jonathan Poritz
- José Carlos Vázquez-Parra
- Kathy Essmiller
- Kimberlee Carter
- Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program
- Knowledge Equity Network
- LatinREA
- Leigh-Anne Perryman
- LIDA103fr (Learning in a digital age 103fr: Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world)
- Lisa Petrides
- Liza Long
- Luis Clemente Jimenez Botello
- Maamwi Hub
- Mada ICT-AID Competency Framework Aligned OER Hub
- Maha Bali
- Manuel Castro-Gil
- Marianne Dubé
- Marimba Jam School Band Program
- Martin Weller
- Matleena Laakso
- Md Morshadur Rahman
- Melinda Boland
- Mohamed Koutheair Khribi
- MOOC: Pre-University Calculus
- Mus’ab Banat
- One Stoke of Soul: A Collection of Knife Techniques
- Open Access Teaching Case Journal (OATCJ)
- Open for Antiracism Program
- Open for Inclusive Excellence
- Open Media Bank – 10 Years, 100 MOOCs, 1000 OERs and more!
- Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)
- OpenCourseWare Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- OpenEd Open and Inclusive Education: WUN and UNESCO Training and Research Networks
- OpenLearn – responsive OER for Ukrainians
- OpenResearchLab: Innovation with artificial intelligence and robotics to scale domain levels of reasoning for complexity
- Openverse
- Patrina Law
- Planetary Health Bricks
- Professor Chi-Yuan Chou / National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu) / Operating System OpenCourseWare
- Projet Anatomie 3D Lyon 1
- Proyecto EDIA
- Reading Wikipedia in the classroom Abuja
- RED Encuentra tu par
- Regional Leaders of Open Education Network (RLOE)
- RELACE Webinars
- Repositorio de Recursos Educativos Abiertos
- Richard Wan Kum Wah
- Sarah Driessens
- SEL4C: Social Entrepreneurship Learning 4 Complexity
- Shai Reshef
- Skills Commons
- Social accompaniment from humandoid robotics: NAOTEAMCCM Team.
- Special Issue of the Journal for Multicultural Education – The Intersections of Open Educational Practices and Equity Pedagogy
- Specialized Training on Applied tools for Sustainable MARine EcosystemS (TRASMARES)
- Storyweaver
- Sustainable Organising -course
- Syed Farrukh Raza
- Tanya Spilavoy
- The ENCORE+ Network – European Network for Catalyzing Open Resources in Education
- The National Teaching Repository
- THECB & ISKME – OER Research to Action
- Traci Wolbrink
- Understanding Homelessness in Canada: From the Street to the Classroom
- UNED Abierta
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
- Validation of the attitudinal scale of open educational practices in university teachers
- Vanessa Clark
- VCCS Transfer Course Mapping Hub
- VideoLab Tec
- Washington OER and Low-Cost Labeling Policies
- We Like Sharing’ Open Photo Competition
- World Geographies: A Critical Introduction
- Yasser Tamer Atef
- 伯臣Bor-Chen 郭Kuo
- 因材網(Taiwan Adaptive Learning Platform, TALP)