Recognizing All Nominators
In 2024 the Open Awards for Excellence received 120 nominations from people in 29 different countries. To show the breadth of this pool, we are listing here all people and projects that were nominated.

Nominated People and Projects, A to Z
Names in bold were nominated for Individual Awards. Links provided for all project and resource category awards where available.
- Accelerating Vaccine Confidence Animations Project
- AI and Open Education for All
- All People Behind Higher Education for Good
- Andrea Robare
- Australasian OEP Digest
- Avashna Ramnarain, Mindful Masterminds
- Beachbot AI
- Brave New Worlds: Teaching, Writing, and Creating with Generative Artificial Intelligence
- Brian Barrick
- Building a Medical Terminology Foundation
- Building together the future of education Innovation, Interdisciplinary Research and Open Science Bootcamp
- Call For Science
- Carleigh Charlton
- Catch-Up Programme – Foundational Literacy, Numeracy and Social-Emotional Learning
- CAUL Open Educational Resources Collective
- Cheikh Ahmed
- Chun-Yao Wang
- Colin de la Higuera
- Confident Supervisors: Creating Independent Researchers
- Corporate Finance (OER Textbook)
- Docsify-This
- Doing the Work: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Educational Resources and Equity-minded Open Course Design
- Dr. Chitra Joshi
- Dr. Lubna Ali
- e-PG Pathshala: A Gateway to PG Learners
- EduAR
- Education in Emergencies (EiE) Package
- Engineering Ethics Toolkit
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Open Education project
- Escalator – community of practice
- Fabrication Laboratory – Fab Lab Kä Träre
- fabriqueREL
- Faculty and Student AI Usage Policy at College Unbound
- Fatih Yegul
- Frontiers for Young Minds
- Gettin’ Air With Terry Greene
- Guidelines for Using Generative AI in Open Educational Resources
- Heritages of Change: Curatorial Activism and First-Year Writing
- Hiep-Hung Pham
- Higher Education for Good
- HUMETAV – Citizen Science Open Platform (HUMETAV-CC)
- James Glapa-Grossklag
- Jonathan Poritz
- Joy Shoemate, Kim Grewe, and Maritez Apigo
- Jules Tchiyak
- Kar Ho Tso
- Kimberlee Carter
- Kiranjot Kaur
- Kisha Tracy
- Knowledge Cartography for Young Thinkers Sustainability Issues, Mapping Techniques and AI Tools
- Laura Czerniewicz
- Legal Research Skills: An Australian Law Guide (2023 and 2024 editions)
- LUDIA, Your AI-Powered UDL Thought Partner:
- Lynnaire Sheridan
- Mada Academy: Empowering people and institutions, and improving lives through fostering open training and capacity development opportunties for all.
- Mahrya Burnett
- MAICC (Open Network of Citizen Science Projects / Malla Abierta de Iniciativas de Ciencia Ciudadana)
- Mais Fatayer
- Making Ripples: A Guidebook to Challenge Status Quo in OER Creation
- Maria Luisa Zorrilla
- Martin Weller
- Melody Chin
- Mira Buist-Zhuk
- Mounira Jamjoom
- NC State University Open Pedagogy Incubator
- OEM4C: Open Educational Model for Complex Thinking
- OER as a Strategy to Close Equity Gaps at Community Colleges
- Once Upon an Online Time: Cybersecurity Issues recast through Classic Fairy Tales
- Open Access Teaching Case Journal
- Open Audio – OER Audiobooks
- Open Educational Entrepreneurship – UNESCO Chair Open Educational Movement for LATAM 2023
- Open for Antiracism
- Open Music Academy
- Open Pedagogy Learning Circle
- Open Research through the R4C-IRG Interdisciplinary Research Group
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kaiser
- Reclaiming our Socials (Mission Mastodon)
- Sarah Smyth
- SCOPE of Open Education: A New Framework for Research
- Semillas Elementary Spanish I
- Spanish Classes at Weatherford College
- STEM Roadmap for Open Education Mobilization in LATAM
- Steven Chang
- Student Loan Fund of Azerbaijan Mustafayev
- Sushumna Rao Tadinada
- Tarea Libre
- TechnoE: Sustainable technological entrepreneurship through open pedagogy
- The Collaborative Library
- The Open Educational E4CCT Ecosystem
- The Remixer Machine
- Thinking Critically About Abortion
- Tiffani Tijerina
- UT Connect
- Virginia Clinton-Lisell
- WikiChallenge Ecoles d’Afrique / WikiChallenge African Schools
- Zeyuan Wang
- Zeyuan Wang