Partha Pratim Chakrabarti
Professor in the Dept of Computer Science and Engineering . Jointly with Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence in the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
Prof Partha P Chakrabarti’s areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Formal Methods, Cognitive Science, CAD for VLSI & Embedded Systems, Algorithm Design and Digital Repositories.
His main focus is in the area of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Development of Automated Reasoning Frameworks that combine search, optimization, deduction, learning and decision making, especially under time and memory constraints. He is interested in applications of the above methods to design, analysis, synthesis, scheduling and verification of complex fault tolerant embedded real-time systems including digital, mixed signal, automotive, microfluidics, etc.
He is also interested in design of large complex digital repositories and leads the National Digital Library of India
He is also keen in developing teaching innovations and academic networks. He has led national efforts on GIAN, SPARC and has been a key contributor to NPTEL, T10KT, Pedagogy, etc.