Kim Ernstmeyer
Kim has been a Nurse Educator at Chippewa Valley Technical College since 2005 with a focus on simulation and interprofessional education. She is currently the Grant Project Director for the Open RN project, and previously was the Nursing Program Director and the Curriculum Project Manager of the ARISE project. The ARISE project created 150 open source augmented reality simulations and serious games for health care students that can be found in Skills Commons. The ARISE project won the second place award in the Serious Games and Virtual Arcades competition at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) in January 2018. She has presented at several conferences, including IMSH, the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning, and the National League for Nursing, and co-authored the “Impact of Interprofessional Education on Nursing Students’ Attitudes Toward Teamwork and Collaboration with Physicians” in the Journal of Nursing Education.

Open RN Nursing Pharmacology textbook
Five developing authors, thirteen contributors, thirty-two national peer reviewers, and an advisory committee collaboratively created the…