Rob Farrow
Rob is a Research Fellow in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University (OU).
He joined the Open University in 2009. By training he is a philosopher (analytic & continental) and educational technologist. His main research focus is open education. He leads several research strands with the Open Education Research Hub where since 2012 have focused on providing an evidence base for the impact of OER and building research capacity globally.
Rob is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy working towards Senior Fellowship. He acts as reviewer for dozens of academic journals (not Reviewer 2) and international conferences.
His current research interests are in the use and evaluation of technology systems for learning and behavioural change; theoretical frameworks for learning and innovation; ethics; technology as a route to social justice; and generally in empowering people and what that means.
He supports doctoral students worldwide who are working in the field of open education through the Global OER Graduate Network. He is also mentor for the Open Education Leadership Program (SPARC) and Open Education for a Better World (UNESCO).
Rob holds degrees from the University of Kent at Canterbury, The University of Essex, and The Open University (UK) and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.