2024 Awards Nomination Guide

This guide is here to help you prepare and submit a nomination for the 2024 OE Awards for Excellence. As a community-based open process, the OE Awards welcomes all involved/interested in open education to suggest people and projects worthy of recognition. OEGlobal membership is not a requirement for making a nomination.

In general, we suggest focussing on writing a compelling narrative (not too long, the review committee has many applications to review!) that makes a strong case why your nominee should be considered for an award. Make sure you directly address the attribute of the award category and indicate how the nominee supports or exemplifies the aims of open education.

Note: Recognizing the current potential and implications of Generative AI, we encourage you to use best practices to be open and clear if you used any AI powered tool to draft or outline your written narrative (provide details in the notes section of the form).

If you are experienced in the process or are just ready to enter your nomination, please skip down to the nomination form button.

What or Who to Nominate?

You might already have an idea of a person, project, or organization to nominate for an award. If not, consider who has made a significant contribution to the world of open education? What projects have you seen or been part of that exemplify the spirit of openness? Where has open education made a significant impact on learners?

For some inspiration you are invited to explore the OE Awards Hall of Fame with search tools explore the 254 awards given out since 2011. Try some serendipity by looking at a randomly chosen previous award winner.

See as well Education For All: Ten Years of Open Education Luminaries from Around the World the ebook published in 2021 to mark the tenth anniversary of the OE Awards. Or listen to the OEG Voices podcast conversations with award winners going back to 2021.

And yes, while we aim the awards as a program to recognize colleagues in the open education community, self nominations are allowed.

Which Award/Category to use for your Nomination?

The 2024 OE Awards include sixteen different awards in four major categories! Try the Category Explorer to identify the category where your idea for nomination best fits. Each category includes links to see its previous award winners. If you are not quite sure what or who to nominate, exploring the categories too might generate some ideas.

Who or What is Eligible for an OE Award of Excellence?

Award nominations can be made for any person or project that advances Open Education. You do not need to be an OEGlobal member to submit a nomination.

Self nominations are also accepted.

Note that current Staff and Board Members of Open Education Global are not eligible for Individual Awards.

What Information You Will Need for the Nominations Form?

The OEAwards Nomination form covers all awards, but note there are a few different pieces of information are needed for Individual Awards versus the other three main categories that are for projects and groups (Assets, Practices, and Special Awards).

The table below summarizes the information required on the nomination form. Also available are Google Doc formatted templates for the nomination form, available to preview and also as links to download a copy. These forms can be used to organize and draft your information in advance.

About the Nominator (You!)

First, you enter some basic contact information– your name, email address, and organizational affiliation.

Nomination Categories

Select the Main Award category (Individual, Assets, Practices, or Special Awards). Then you will have the options to indicate the specific award within that category. Explore the categories to help you to identify the appropriate choices.

The Nominee:

  • Name of person
  • Email address
  • Institution/Organization
  • Location (city/country)
  • Social media contact (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon)
  • About the Nominee: Tell us about the nominee and their background, including dates, relevant accomplishments, and describe how they meet the requirements of the Individual Award of Excellence.
  • Motivation: Describe the reasons that inspired you to nominate this person for an individual award. How has their work influenced or affected you and or your organization?
  • Letter of Support: If you are nominating yourself for an award, include a letter of support from a colleague that can attest to your eligibility for an Individual Award. Letters must be signed and include contact details.

Resource, Tool or Project Nominated:

  • Name or title
  • Web address
  • Open License
  • Lead Contact
    • Name
    • Email Address
    • Institution/Organization
    • Location (city/country)
    • Social media contact (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon)
  • Narrative: Describe the reason why you decided to submit this nomination. How has this resource, tool or practice inspired you? What impact has this item had on your work as an open supporter and advocate?

Additional Information

(For all categories of awards)

  • Video Testimonial: Share a link to a video that supports your reason submitting this nomination. Include the name of the individual/project/resource in the title of the video as well as #OEAwards2023.
  • Other materials or notes: Add anything else to supplement this nomination such as web links to supporting materials or any other pertinent information the review committee should know.

Make a Nomination

The nominations for 2024 closed on June 30, 2024, and the awards have all been announced. Stay tuned to the OE Awards site for information about the 2025 awards.