Educator Award

Lee-Ing Tong

National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu City, Taiwan)

Distinguished Professor, National Chiao Tung University

Besides doing extensive research, Professor Lee-Ing Tong exhausts all her energies teaching statistics-related courses. She hopes students are not only learning in the classroom, but also through exploring knowledge further by themselves. Professor Tong has won the excellent teaching award 3 times; one was from University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth and two were from National Chiao Tung University.

Professor Tong has been developing open courses since 2010, such as Basic Statistics, Statistics I and II, and has helped more than 53,000 learners around world. These courses have also been used in flipped classrooms and online learning environments to create different learning experiences. Professor Tong continues to update lecture notes and modularize some parts of courses too. Each year she opens 3 different courses with an estimate of 3,000 participants per course.

About Educator Award

Award honoring an innovative teacher/professor who has published and/or used a significant body of OER over a sustained period (at least one year) in his/her teaching practice. An individual whose open course materials and professional practices have been recognized as having an impact and influencing peers to share more openly.