Lin Hsiu-Hau
Prof. Lin is a theoretical physicist with research focus on statistical physics and condensed matter physics. He is now Tsing Hua Distinguished Professor at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. Prof. Lin has extensive administrative experiences in the past and maintains a high profile of research activities in condensed matter physics and statistical physics.
He has served on the reviewing panel for research grants in the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and participates in policy making on several important occasions. He is now the director of the Physics Research Promotion Center under MOST in Taiwan. In addition, he is devoted to physics education and participates in open education for years.
He received the Outstanding Course ACE (Award for OpenCourseWare Excellence) by Open Education Consortium in 2013 (Thermal and Statistical Physics) and again in 2014 (General Physics). He is trying very hard to be a good teacher, a good researcher and a good person as well.