Open Infrastructure Award


Wiki in Africa (South Africa / France)

A wiki platform to bridge the digital divide and teach information literacy and writing skills    

WikiFundi is an open source software that provides an off-line editing environment that mimics the Wikipedia ‘on-line’ environment. It allows for teaching and content creation when technology fails, access does not exist or is too expensive, and electricity is unreliable. With WikiFundi, individuals, groups and communities can learn how to create and improve articles on a wiki, and can work collaboratively to build articles and other content. To work WikiFundi needs a small portable local server (such as a Raspberry PI) that provides a local wifi network, which editors can then connect to and work on their articles. Once the articles are finished, the end result can be transferred to an online wiki page on Wikipedia or Wikimedia project or Vikidia.

How WikiFundi can help:

WikiFundi has been designed to facilitate three distinct sectors:

• Education : as an easy-to-use teaching tool for schools and education programmes to teach how to read and analyse Wikipedia or Vikidia articles, or to teach how to create and contribute, transferring digital and academic skills. There are resources in the pack to assist students and teachers.

• Outreach: as a tool that facilitates user groups and volunteers when building the Wikimedia movement by providing a way to collectively edit in offline situations. There are resources included in the package to assist Wikimedia leads.

• Entrepreneurship : as a simple wiki platform used by small groups of digitally skilled entrepreneurs in poorly connected areas to create CVs, business plans, take meeting notes, produce reports etc.. 

Use Case example

WikiFundi has been used since 2017 as an essential element of the WikiChallenge Ecoles d’Afrique, a writing competition for primary schools in the Orange Foundation’s Digital Schools Network. Over 4 years, 200 primary schools from disadvantaged and mostly non connected areas have been involved and over 300 articles written by the children published on Vikidia.

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About Open Infrastructure Award

Open Infrastructure is the set of technologies that enables openness. It encompassess open source tools which enable the creation of open educational resources, their use in educational context, their curation, improvement and remixing, as well as sharing. The “infrastructure” is wider than just open source software, though: it also includes open hardware used in education, open standards enabling interoperability, as well as other open technologies that are instrumental for open education.