This was a 5-week micro-learning event that originally ran in the fall of 2020 with a second condensed 5-day event running during Open Education week in March 2021. It is a learning event aimed as an introduction to open education for those new or curious about OpenEd. The micro-learning event was designed around 10 short challenges each one designed to take 10 minutes to complete. 2 challenges per week were released (2 per day for the march interaction). The 10 minute lessons cover all areas of open education, from technology to pedagogy, resources to activities and made good use of the limited amount of time educators often have to devote to a professional learning event. The short challenges were fun and interesting and by the end of the series learners who were only passingly familiar with open education had some good practical skills and understanding of the scope of open education. The series was designed, developed and originally facilitated (for the 5 week iteration) by Dr. Tannis Morgan (Vancouver Community College/BCcampus) and Leva Lee (BCcampus).
Open Pedagogy Award